Announcement on Qualification to Sit Final Exams
According to the previous notice as well as the decision made during the deans’ meeting on June 1st, we declare:
1.If you have paid some money for the fees but still owed the university more than half of all the fees you should pay , you are not allowed to sit the final examinations this time. The university will organize the final examinations at the beginning next semester. You can sit the exams if you pay all the fees you owe the university when you come back to the university after summer holiday.
2.If you don’t pay any money for this semester, the university suggest you raise the money during the summer holiday,otherwise you leave the university.because the university doesn’t want you to stay here .
3.If you have paid the university more than half of all the fees you should pay but still owed some money, the university allows you to take all the examinations this time, but the teachers will not mark your test papers until you pay all the fees.
4.If you have missed one third of classes for a certain course, even if you paid the all the fees, you are not allowed to take the exam for this course.
Here are the students who are not allowed to sit the final examinations: If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to consult the Office.
International Students’ Office